Thursday, June 3, 2010



So I am new to blogging. My sister had one for a while but I never felt interested in it. But now I have decided to give it a try!! :-)

So, I was wondering have you ever had trust issues? I have always seemed to deal with that. Whether it was with a friend or loved one or God. Well every time I seem to fix that issue, another one seems to pop up. I worried a lot when I was in Jr high and did not want to trust God with my life. I always seemed to never fully trust him. Every time I would deal with those trust issues, I would remember Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." And when I would think about this verse, I would remember to trust Him. It always seems to help. So, maybe today that will help you as well. Just remember to trust Him.

Just this past month, I was in search for a car. I prayed and prayed and prayed for the right one. And we would go and look everyday and see one that might work but every time we started working on the process for buying it, it was either too high or the dealer was rude or something was wrong with the car. I was almost to the point of giving up. I just kept asking God when will I find the right car. Have I missed it? I had seen lots of friends get the right car but it would never happen for me. Well, two Mondays ago, we stopped to look at this weird looking car. Never seen it in my life. I test drove it but just didn't want to get my hopes up. Long story short, I bought it. It was the right price, right payment, great dealer, and the right car. Finally after waiting for over a year, I had found the right car. It was worth the wait. I know that this was God's car. He knew that I would buy this car this month. I just had to trust him!! And I did!! He made this path straight. He lead me to this car!!

I don't know if you are having trouble trusting Him but just remember whenever you feel like you don't know where you are going or if the right car will ever turn up, just Trust HIM!! And He will direct your paths!
Nancy Drew

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