Sunday, June 6, 2010

So officially in a month, I will be through with this chapter in my life. It is sad! But I know that it will be okay! Today we decided to visit a church plant close to my grandmother's house. It was inside a Movie Theatre. Very cool!! See we were apart of one when I was in Jr high but unfortunately it didn't make it off the ground. But it all worked out the best and if we had not left there then we would have never a great church the past 2 or 3 years. Anyway, the church is really cool. They meet in one of the theatres while the children's church is in another. Very organized!! Today was their first Mission's Sunday. They had two speakers: one we already knew from the church plant we were in and then another from Gambia. They were very good! One of them talked about the site that they use to help people understand the gospel. I really liked that because it helps reach others even when we don't have a missionary there. They can be reached through the Internet!! Wow!! Pretty cool!

Anyway, that church was very good!! I would love to implement those ideas into our next chapter. My dad will be filling in at different churches around our state because he feels called to preach adults. He has always preached to children or youth but always seemed to timid to preach to adults. But this past year has helped change that! He will be a great pastor. That is one thing we have learned from our pastor now is to be like a Shepherd!! Take care of your flock. I believe my dad will have a heart for the people. I believe God can use us all in that ministry! There was a song that we sang today at that church. It was called I give myself away. It says,
I give my self away,
I give myself away,
So you can use me!
I believe that song seems to fit this next chapter. We are going to have to give ourselves away so we can be used to stretch His kingdom!! God, use us Lord!! God, I give myself away so you can use me!! If you can use those people in that church plant then you can use this family as well!! Use us Lord!!

How can He use you this week?

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